Frequently Asked Questions Articles Subscribe
The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address
Viewed 5548 times since Nov 16, 2013
Question: What does the following error mean? The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address Likely Cause(s): Users encounter this error because the system ran a check for a valid email address and didn’t find a email... Read More
Does the hotlist job notification take candidate applications into account?
Viewed 4074 times since Nov 17, 2013
Problem: If a student has already applied to a job they hotlisted, will candidates still receive the email notifications for the hot listed job if the application deadline date is in the future? Resolution: The deadline reminder email does not take... Read More
Job is listed under a different company
Viewed 3661 times since Nov 16, 2013
Problem: I came across a job that is listed for Company A - China on the job grid, but when I click into the job its actually listed under Company A - US, why is that? Likely Cause(s): This instance is usually a result of the recruiter posting a job... Read More
Adding Additional Email Variables to Email Messages
Viewed 6373 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: I recently added email variable A to email message 1 because I noticed that a different email message had this email variable which provided very helpful information to the recipients so I wanted email 1 to include this information as well,... Read More
Is there a way to batch delete jobs?
Viewed 3762 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: Is there a way to batch delete jobs? Answer: Unfortunately, there is no way to batch delete jobs, you would have to go into each job individually and delete them. Read More
Is there any way for an employer to edit the job description after the OCR request has been confirmed?
Viewed 4532 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: Is there any way for an employer to edit the job description after the OCR request has been confirmed? Resolution: Yes, simply set the Job Description due date on the visit to a date in the future and the employer will be able to edit the... Read More
Reason for No Base Salary
Viewed 3896 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: I am testing the job offer survey before we allow candidates to access it and I’m stuck on the Base Salary section. I didn’t give a value for base salary, but I did select a reason for no base salary and clicked saved, but I... Read More
How do I block/ unblock timeslots for Mock Interviews and Advising Appointments?
Viewed 4328 times since Nov 7, 2013
Question: How do I block/ unblock timeslots for Mock Interviews and Advising Appointments? Resolution: When you create a mock interview or advising appointment and click save, the timeslots will appear on the bottom. If you want to block a timeslot... Read More
Does the admin - candidate activity tab show all candidate activity?
Viewed 4307 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: I’m looking at a candidates activity in the activity tab on their profile and I only see two transactions where their resume book status was changed a couple months ago. Does this mean that the candidate hasn’t logged in or... Read More
Default programs when creating an advising appointment
Viewed 3493 times since Dec 18, 2013
Question: When I go to create an advising appointment, mock interview and workshops, there are programs field always defaults answers, why is that? Answer: If you create an advising appointment, mock interview or workshop and the system defaults... Read More
Does the # Matches column for the jobs export include agent emails
Viewed 3665 times since Dec 18, 2013
Question: When a job is included in a job match email is it included the "# Matches" count column in the job export? Answer: Yes, when a job is included in a job match agent email it is considered a match and is added to the count in the "# Matches... Read More
What is the page limit for cover letters?
Viewed 4643 times since Dec 18, 2013
Question: What is the max page limit for cover letters? Answer: There is no page limit for cover letters. Read More
Removing OCR jobs from candidate job search
Viewed 3678 times since Dec 18, 2013
Question: I thought there was a way to to remove OCR jobs from candidate job searches, but I forgot how to. Answer: Candidates can remove OCR jobs from their job search by clicking on the Show filter and de-selecting On Campus Interviews. If this... Read More
Candidates resume is displayed as a blank page in a resume batch
Viewed 4541 times since Dec 18, 2013
Problem: When I go to batch print the resumes of job applicants, a particular candidates resumes is displayed as a blank page. I’ve checked the resumes on file for this candidate and I can verify that they don’t have a blank resume on... Read More
The content in the text box is running off the page
Viewed 6381 times since Dec 19, 2013
Problem: The content in the text box is running off the page. Cause: The content is in an html text box. An html text box has the special editing functions in the task bar and allows html formatting code. In order to offer this type of freedom, we... Read More
I’ve invited a candidate for a visit, but the invite is not showing on the candidates side
Viewed 3655 times since Nov 16, 2013
Question: I’ve invited candidate A for Visit 1, but when I login as a candidate, nothing shows up in the Visits>invites tab. Likely Cause(s): There are a few factors that could be the cause as to why the invite does not show in the Visit... Read More
Why can’t I edit the schedules field when editing a visit?
Viewed 3577 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: I’m trying to edit the number of schedules for a visit, but the schedules field is grayed out, why? Resolution: The # of Schedules field is only available during the initial setup of a visit; afterwards, the field becomes a display only... Read More
Candidate was able to signup for a workshop with a max attendees of 0
Viewed 4298 times since Dec 19, 2013
Question: Why was a candidate able to signup for a workshop with a max attendees of 0? Answer: Currently, if you setup a workshop with a max attendees if 0, the system will treat that workshop as one with an unlimited amount of max attendees. 0 =... Read More
Application Deadline must be on or before
Viewed 3547 times since Nov 16, 2013
Problem: Job ABC posted on December 1, 2013 currently has an application deadline of December 31, 2013 and I want to extend this date to March 5, 2014, but I get an error telling me the application deadline date must be on or before March 1, 2014,... Read More
Can recruiters see what emails they’ve sent to candidates?
Viewed 3647 times since Dec 23, 2013
Question: Is there a place in the system where recruiters can see the emails they’ve sent to candidates? Answer: Unfortunately, we don’t have an email log recruiters can use to see the emails they’ve sent to candidates. We would... Read More
If I update an event, appointment, event..., will candidate receive a notification about the update?
Viewed 3718 times since Nov 16, 2013
Question: If I update a workshop, appointment, event... will signed up candidates receive a notification about the update? Answer: If your school has outlook integration, the candidate’s calendar will automatically be updated if the time of... Read More
What is the difference between the candidate note exports?
Viewed 4789 times since Nov 16, 2013
Question: What is the difference between the notes that appear in the following candidate note exports: 1. Selected Tab>Next Action>Export CSV>Export Sheet Columns: Note Text, Note Date, Note Posted By 2. Selected Tab>>Next Action>... Read More
Profile information in admin module is different than in candidate module
Viewed 4392 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: I am making some changes to a candidate’s 1st year profile information, but when I login as the candidate to verify the change, the profile information is different, why is this? Resolution: The candidates profile information in the... Read More
A candidates resume is not visible on the admin side
Viewed 3413 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: When I view the candidate resume tab in admin, it shows that there is 1 resume saved to the system, but the resume details are not displayed in the the resume grid; however, when I login as the candidate, I see they have uploaded a resume.... Read More
I cannot see the event I just created when I login as a candidate.
Viewed 3741 times since Nov 7, 2013
Problem: I just created an event and logged in as an eligible candidate but the event is not visible. Likely Cause(s): This is due to our group searchable set functionality. When you create an event, interview, mock, workshop, advising appointment,... Read More
What is the asterisk column on the job posting grid?
Viewed 4151 times since Nov 7, 2013
Question: What is the asterisk column on the job posting grid? Resolution: This is a hard coded column that specifies whether a job is a multipost job or not. Read More
Candidate cannot change their password or email address
Viewed 3930 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: I signed in as a candidate through admin and I cannot change the password or email address. Resolution: If you are an admin signing in as a candidate, you will not be able to change the candidates password or email address because this... Read More
Embedded link does not work
Viewed 4123 times since Dec 19, 2013
Problem: Candidate A was sent an embedded link for a job which sends them to the login page but when they login they are brought to the dashboard, shouldn’t it direct them to the job view page? Likely Cause: The primary reason a candidate... Read More
Candidate Creation Issues
Viewed 11870 times since Nov 7, 2013
Candidate Creation Issues Click here if to learn how to create a candidate profile. 1. Candidate already has a profile for this program and cannot be created. If you try to create a candidate account and receive this message, it means the email... Read More
What is the max file size limit for attachments?
Viewed 3680 times since Dec 18, 2013
Question: What is the max file size limit for attachments? Answer: The file size limit for attachments on surveys is 10 MB. The file size limit for uploading Resumes is 1 MB. Read More
Display Issues
Viewed 6197 times since Nov 7, 2013
If you encounter any type of user interface or cosmetic issues in GradLeaders Career Center such as but not limited to: The menu bar drop downs don't appear The date selection calendar appears behind a survey question The page layout isn't... Read More
The url you used to access this application is not valid and/ or requires you to authenticate
Viewed 5257 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: I received an email from a candidate who is trying to login but they are getting the following error message, why is this? The URL you used to access this application is not valid and/ or requires you to authenticate. Please contact your... Read More
Deeplinks Routing Candidates to the Wrong Signon
Viewed 5351 times since Oct 11, 2013
Problem: When i'm sending a deeplink to a candidate, they are getting routed to our Alumni SSO and are not able to log in. Why? Likely Cause(s): The deeplink generated by the admin was generated based on the alumni program. Resolution: Deeplinks... Read More
Where do I go for help with Ad-Hoc Reporting and Data Management Solutions?
Viewed 3446 times since Sep 18, 2017
Contact support@gradleaders.com if you have questions about the data, terminology, or for best practices for career centers. Be sure to include “Looker Ad-Hoc Question” in the subject of your email to insure proper handling. Utilize the... Read More
Is there a glossary of terms mapping the Looker® Ad-Hoc Reporting and Data Management Solution terminology to the GradLeaders Career Center naming conventions?
Viewed 14408 times since Sep 15, 2017
Your GradLeaders Career Center platform data has already been modeled to make using Looker® even easier to use. But if you're not familiar with the GradLeaders Career Center terminology (or Looker®) we've created this handy glossary to help you... Read More
What External Content Sources should I choose for my Cerkl Automated Newsletters?
Viewed 7751 times since Sep 20, 2017
The GradLeaders Content Network includes industry resources for everyone from career services reps, to campus recruiters, to job-seeking students. The following are suggested content sources to include in your Cerkl automated newsletter for your job... Read More
How do I approve companies?
Viewed 4586 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard, go to Companies>Company File. Use Basic Search on the left-hand side of your screen to search by Company Status>Pending (click to search). You'll see Pending Companies that have not yet been approved. Select... Read More
How do I batch re-assign new advisors or account managers?
Viewed 3892 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard go to Configuration>Staff Set-Up Note: For some users this may be under Other Admin Activities>Staff Setup. From the Staff Setup page go to Next Actions>Add Complete all the profile information to create a new account... Read More
FAQ: How do I search for a specific invoice?
Viewed 5021 times since Nov 15, 2017
From the main dashboard go to Other Admin Activities>Invoice File. You can use any of the search criteria at the top of the screen to locate an invoice. You'll see the search results in the Matched tab. You can click the event... Read More
FAQ: How do I direct my students to external assessment tools?
Viewed 4009 times since Nov 15, 2017
If you'd like to direct your students to external assessment tools such as the MBTI® and Strong assessments, it's easy to do so using the Resource Library. From the main dashboard go to Other Activities>Resource Library. Create a new Folder... Read More
error? message in GTS / GLCC
Viewed 23402 times since Dec 19, 2017
If you experience a pop up message that simply states "error?", please check your browser for an Add-on/Extension called UBlock. You will want to allow both: gradleaders.com mbafocus.com to the whitelist for UBlock. You can do this by right... Read More
What categories should I choose for my Cerkl automated newsletters?
Viewed 9307 times since Sep 20, 2017
When creating your Cerkl automated career center newsletter, we suggest selecting personalized content categories that will help better prepare your students for their dream job while simultaneously giving you increased insight into the career... Read More
What categories and content sources should I choose for my Cerkl automated newsletters geared towards employers?
Viewed 4818 times since Jun 20, 2018
When creating your Cerkl automated career center newsletter, we suggest selecting personalized content categories that will help better prepare your students for their dream job while simultaneously giving you increased insight into the career... Read More
Can Cerkl automatically segment Jobs, Events or Workshops based on audience, class year or program answers in the API?
Viewed 4795 times since Aug 7, 2018
Yes. You can setup segments within Cerkl so that your automated newsletters only show jobs, events or workshops to the preferred audience. These are the fields you can use from each API to create segments in Cerkl: Jobs - Job Audience Events &... Read More
Can Cerkl automatically create "Categories" based on fields that exist in the GradLeaders Career Center APIs?
Viewed 4920 times since Aug 31, 2018
Yes. As you will notice, in GradLeaders Career Center, there isn't a field called “Categories” – Cerkl actually takes existing fields from the Jobs, Events and Workshops forms to create "Categories" in your Cerkl Automated Newsletters. Here is... Read More
How do you manage contact lists and student/employer uploads with Cerkl Automated Newsletters?
Viewed 3135 times since Sep 25, 2018
The integration between Cerkl and GradLeaders today does not including an automatic syncing of contact lists. However, GradLeaders Career Center customers can easily export contacts from their system and upload into Cerkl by navigating to "Audience... Read More
Cerkl Automated Newsletters - FAQs
Viewed 3464 times since Nov 12, 2018
Cerkl Newsletters help schools maximize engagement and save time creating email communications that are personalized for job-seeking students. (See Cerkl product page to learn more.) Includes: Automated Email Newsletters "Smart" Personalized... Read More
How do I change the widgets on my Metrics dashboard?
Viewed 3928 times since Aug 22, 2017
This new Metrics tab was developed based on our 20+ years of industry experience and research collected from various school partner schools we surveyed. We hope you find these standard widgets to be helpful but we're constantly focused on delivering... Read More
How do I approve recruiters?
Viewed 5786 times since Oct 25, 2017
We recommend approving the associated company before approving recruiters, but this isn't required. Check out this KB article about approving companies. From the main dashboard, go to Companies>Contact File. Use Basic Search on the left-hand... Read More
How does the system generate the candidate list when I click Add Candidate?
Viewed 3451 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: For advising appointments, mock interviews, workshops and events, when I click Add Candidate I am directed to a page with a list of candidates, how does the system pull this list? Answer: This list is based on the class year and program... Read More
Resume Status and Resume Book Status Confusion
Viewed 10153 times since Nov 11, 2013
This article was created to clear up the confusion between the 'Resume Status' and the 'Resume Book Status'. The 'Resume Status' is listed under the Document Name in the resume list. Some users confuse the “Status: Active” text to mean the... Read More
Candidates account is locked
Viewed 6940 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: A candidate has informed me that they are unable to log in because their account is locked, how do I unlock it? Answer: You can unlock the candidates account by navigating to the candidates profile in admin, clicking edit on the account... Read More
What does it mean when the application method says “Marked” on the Job File View Applicants page?
Viewed 7355 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: What does it mean when the application method says “Marked” on the Job File View Applicants page? Answer: The "Mark Applied" option is only available to candidates for "Apply by Web" job postings. This utility was created with the... Read More
Candidate Registration is Closed
Viewed 4143 times since Dec 18, 2013
Problem: A candidate is trying to log into GradLeaders Career Center, but they received an error message telling them "Candidate Registration is Closed", what does this mean? Likely Cause: If a candidate tries to log into GradLeaders Career Center... Read More
What causes the ’Multiple Browser Window’ message?
Viewed 14592 times since Dec 31, 2014
Question: What causes the 'Multiple Browser Window' message? Likely Cause(s): Users encounter this message when when using CTRL+N to open a new window, or clicking on a link while pressing the CTRL button on the keyboard. Additionally, if a... Read More
Are email notification sent out when coaches create advising appointments in the past?
Viewed 3985 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: When advisers create advising appointments for past dates are email notifications sent out? Answer: No, email, calendar notifications and iCals do not send out for advising appointments if the date is in the past. Read More
Room isn’t available in the room list
Viewed 4025 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: I'm trying to create an event and assign room 112 to this event, but it is not available in the room picklist, why is that? Answer: The room you are trying to add to the event is not enabled for events. In order to enable the room for... Read More
Authentication Token has Expired, please re-authenticate
Viewed 9334 times since Dec 17, 2013
Problem: When a candidate logs in they are encountering this error message: Authentication Token has Expired, please re-authenticate, how do we resolve this? Cause: Candidates who encounter this error after they've logged in on the school side and... Read More
How do recruiters gain access to our resume books?
Viewed 4459 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: How do recruiters gain access to our resume books? Answer: Recruiters gain access to a schools resume books by ordering the resume books from the webstore. Recruiters would go to http://www.gradleaders.com/Products/ResumeBooks/Buy.aspx to... Read More
Date search discrepancies
Viewed 3724 times since Dec 19, 2013
Question: When I search for jobs posted between 8/5 and 11/26, why aren't jobs from 11/26 included? Answer: When searching on any date range, the search feature takes the date selected with a timestamp of 12:00 am. Therefore, in this example, the... Read More
A candidates offers aren’t showing up in the employment reporting widget
Viewed 3633 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: I logged in as a candidate and I see that they have offers on file but the offers aren't appearing in the employment reporting widget. Additionally there is no edit link in the widget, why aren't the offers showing? Resolution: The primary... Read More
Recruiter creating an account cannot find their company
Viewed 3356 times since Dec 19, 2013
Issue: A recruiter contacted me because they are trying to create a recruiter account but they cannot find their company when they are asked to select a company. Their colleague created an account under the company yesterday so I'm not sure what's... Read More
Cannot change a candidates job reporting status
Viewed 3756 times since Nov 17, 2013
Problem: A candidate has an accepted job offer on file, but their job reporting status is not Accepted. I've tried to change their reporting status but I get an error message saying that I cannot change their job reporting status because they have an... Read More
Deleting an OCR Request
Viewed 3500 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: I want to delete a confirmed request but the delete button is not available, I should have the permission to delete a request. Answer: Admins who have the permission to delete a request can only delete requests that have not been confirmed... Read More
What are the fields most search by recruiters?
Viewed 4516 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: What are the top fields recruiters search for candidates by? Answer: Here are the top search categories in GradLeaders Recruiting from the past calendar year (2012): 1. Geographic Preference2. Function - Experience3. Work Authorization4.... Read More
Recruiters editing the application deadline date or refreshing a job posting
Viewed 3860 times since Nov 7, 2013
Problem: Recruiters can no longer edit the Application Deadline date or refresh a job posting for a job that is 60 days in the past. Resolution: The system is hard coded to behave in the following ways if the Job Posting – Expiration Date is 60... Read More
Combine visits not working
Viewed 3962 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: I'm trying to combine two visits for a company, but when I go to search for visits listed for that company - I get no results. Resolution: The Combine Visit utility will only allow you to combine visits when the following is true: Invites... Read More
Updating the max pages per resumes setting
Viewed 4163 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: A second year candidate has uploaded their 2 page resume but I only see one page when I view their resume. If I download their resume, I can see both pages, can you increase the max pages per resume setting from 1 to 4? Resolution: We can... Read More
What is the preferred resume/ cover letter upload format?
Viewed 3729 times since Dec 19, 2013
Question: What is the preferred resume/ cover letter upload format? Answer: The preferred resume/ cover letter upload format is a word document. You have the ability to upload a PDF for the resume and/or cover letter but keep in mind that our... Read More
Is there an easier way to reset a candidates password?
Viewed 4369 times since Dec 23, 2013
Question: A candidate emailed me telling me they can't login, I need to reset their password and send them their login information, but I don't remember how to do this. Answer: The quickest way to reset a candidates password and send them their... Read More
How can candidates view expired jobs?
Viewed 3843 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: I thought candidates could see expired jobs, but I don't remember how they can do this? Answer: Candidate can view expired jobs using the show filter. If the expired jobs option is not available in the show options then the setting isn't... Read More
A recruiter has submitted a job to our school through Gradleaders Career Center but now whats to make it a Multipost job, is this possible?
Viewed 4522 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: A recruiter has submitted a job to our school through GradLeaders Career Center but now wants to make it a Multipost job, is this possible? Resolution: Unfortunately, once the recruiter submits a job to an individual school and declines the... Read More
Where are the Adobe PDF Icons?
Viewed 5592 times since Dec 23, 2013
Question: I cannot find the Adobe PDF print and save icons, where are they? Answer: The location of the print and save icons for the Adobe PDF viewer will vary based on the browser and version of adobe reader you have installed. Please review our ... Read More
How do I create/ manage an admin account?
Viewed 5154 times since Mar 26, 2014
Question: I need to create an admin account for our new staff member, how do I create an admin account? I also need to disable an admin account as well, how do I do this? Answer: The following steps will show you how to create and disable an admin... Read More
What is a pid?
Viewed 19189 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: What is a pid? Answer: Many schools use different titles to identify or label a group of candidates or a program; such as Class of 2018 graduates or Executive MBA's of 2020. Because there are many different variations of titles for... Read More
Which Reports Allow You to View Major and Last Login?
Viewed 3253 times since Sep 19, 2017
See the bulleted list below to view reports that allow you to view major and last log in as parameters/filters and outputs/reports. Employment Data With Profile Report Candidate Profile With Co-op Report Mock Interview With Profile Responses Report... Read More
Navigating the Activity Calendar
Viewed 4496 times since Oct 31, 2017
The Activity Calendar enables you to see all activities occurring at your Career Center. It's helpful to think of this as a master schedule. To access the Activity Calendar, click Calendar from the main dashboard. By default, you'll see the... Read More
Can Advisors Get Email Notifications When Students Check in With the Swipe Card Utility?
Viewed 11229 times since Sep 11, 2017
Yes, once a student checks in for a scheduled appointment, their advisor will receive an appointment notification email including any of the information: Advisor name Advisor phone Appointment date Appointment location Appointment name Appointment... Read More
What is the difference between closed and full for advising appointments?
Viewed 3783 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: What is the difference between closed and full for advising appointments? Answer: Closed means that the window has passed for a student to sign up for an appointment (The Signup End Date has passed). Full means there are no time-slots... Read More
Can I charge students money for workshops like etiquette dinners?
Viewed 4143 times since Sep 11, 2017
It's easy to charge students for workshops. To get started, contact your CRM or our Customer Support Team at support@gradleaders.com to request access to this feature. Be prepared to provide the following information: Sales tax price based on... Read More
What is the difference between Swap and Move for Interviews on the admin side?
Viewed 6627 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: What is the difference between Swap and Move for Interviews on the admin side? Answer: The Swap function allows you to swap a candidates time slot with a different candidate or place a candidate in an empty time slot. However, if you... Read More
How do I email candidates not yet signed up for company events?
Viewed 2977 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard go to On Campus Recruiting>Company Events Click on the desired event then navigate to the Student Signups tab. Click Email Not Signed Up on the right-hand side. A box will open with options to select Class Year... Read More
Why doe the office hours schedule duration not change?
Viewed 4381 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: I set up an office hours event with an original duration of 2 hours. I was able to change the duration on the event, but the schedule still reflected the original duration. Why is that? Answer: When you first create an office hours... Read More
What is Room Availability?
Viewed 4088 times since Dec 6, 2010
This is essentially a single screen that tells the user at a glance how many interviews are in use each day, and how many more rooms are available. The Room Availability looks at the rooms that the admin staff has entered and designated for visits... Read More
What does the term "Crossover" mean for then option "Allow Crossover" on an OCR?
Viewed 4212 times since Oct 6, 2010
Problem: What does the term "Crossover" mean for then option "Allow Crossover" on an OCR? Likely Cause(s): n/a Resolution: The "Allow Crossover" option is used when you are have a Fixed schedule setup for a particular visit (meaning that... Read More
What does "Respect Slot Count" mean on an OCR?
Viewed 3884 times since Feb 3, 2014
Problem: What does the term "Respect Slot Count" mean on an OCR? Likely Cause(s): n/a Resolution: The "Respect Slot Count" option is used when you are have a Mixed schedule setup for a particular visit (meaning that invitees and bidders are... Read More
Why does the original recruiter’s information remain when I change "Primary Contact"?
Viewed 3863 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: I'm trying to add a new contact for a visit by clicking 'Revise Primary Contact' and entering the new information when editing the interview, but it still shows the original recruiters information. How do I add a new recruiter for this visit... Read More
How can I get the schedules to fill equally?
Viewed 3720 times since Oct 11, 2010
The scheduler tries to fill the slots so students aren't conflicted. The scheduler does not take into account balancing the schedules. Most schools “tighten up” the schedules by removing slots before they run the scheduler. For example, if... Read More
Adding buffer time into schedules
Viewed 4721 times since Oct 21, 2010
Problem: We have had some issues with off-campus interviews that are scheduled through the system. When there are on and off campus interviews in the same day, that we schedule, the system doesn't know that students need extra time to get to the... Read More
What is the difference between Run Schedule and Confirm Schedule?
Viewed 4086 times since Oct 29, 2010
Problem: What is the difference between Run Schedule and Confirm Schedule? Likely Cause(s): n/a Resolution: When an admin chooses to Run the schedule, the system will put the candidates in the time slots and makes visit not visible. When an admin... Read More
Changing schedules after schedule is run
Viewed 3579 times since Oct 11, 2010
Problem:An employer has set up an On-Campus Recruiting event with 30 minute schedules. We have sent out the invitations, and ran the schedule, but now the employer want to change the schedule to 60 minute time slots. How can we do this without... Read More
Converting a job to an OCR Interview
Viewed 3740 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: When I convert a job to OCR interview, it asks if I want to delete the job. The only reason I would want to click yes is if I wanted the historical data correct? Resolution: Correct, if you select yes, the job will be deleted and the... Read More
What does Error Code 7 mean when uploading documents
Viewed 12718 times since Oct 8, 2010
Problem: When candidates are uploaded their resumes or cover letters, they are getting an error message that says "Problem Converting Document. Error Code 7". What does this mean? Likely Cause(s): Document being uploaded is exceeding the file limit... Read More
What are the new screening criteria for jobs and interviews?
Viewed 4302 times since Oct 6, 2017
Effective on Monday, October 9th, 2017, you will see an improvement in the way Employers and/or Admin users select screening criteria for jobs and interviews in GradLeaders Career Center. In the past, there was a question “Do you want to limit who... Read More
Can I charge employers to post jobs and have different fees for different companies?
Viewed 4510 times since Sep 11, 2017
It's easy to charge employers money to post jobs. To get started, contact your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support Team to request access to this feature. Be prepared to provide the following information: Sales tax price based on... Read More
How Do I Approve Jobs?
Viewed 6796 times since Oct 25, 2017
We recommend approving the associated company and recruiter first, before approving jobs, but this isn't required. Check out these two KB articles where we outline how to do this: KB FAQ: How Do I Approve a Company? KB FAQ: How Do I Approve a... Read More
Image Specifications for Mobile App Icon
Viewed 3050 times since Jul 19, 2019
Students and employers logging into GradLeaders Career Center (GLCC) via a mobile device are given the option to add an icon to the home screen. Schools can submit an image for this icon. File Type specifications: .gif .jpg .png The size... Read More
Free/Busy Calendar Sync for Advising Appointments - How it works and staff set up instructions
Viewed 4779 times since Aug 5, 2019
Overview: To assist with scheduling and avoid adding appointments in two calendars (a personal calendar and GLCC calendar), advisors can use free / busy calendar sync to keep both calendars up-to-date regardless of which calendar is updated. Free... Read More
What is the difference between the two Job Match emails?
Viewed 4510 times since Dec 18, 2013
Question: What is the difference between these Job Match emails: CandidateJobAgentEmail - Email Message ID:29 Candidate Job Match Job Agent - Email Message ID:181 Answer: The CandidateJobAgentEmail (29) is sent to a candidate when they've created... Read More
Login Screen Background Image Specifications
Viewed 8336 times since Aug 1, 2019
An image of your campus can be uploaded as the background to the GLCC login screen. Note: This login screen is available to any user that logs in directly to the GLCC system - which includes most Admins and Employers. If the user utilizes single... Read More
Student Data Import Tool
Viewed 19203 times since Aug 2, 2017
Creating a New Project Import From your Admin Dashboard: Other Activities > Import Projects (this access can be relocated on the admin menu, per school preference). Next Action > Create Project Enter the Project Information Name: Name... Read More
How to Promote Students from PID to PID
Viewed 17355 times since Jan 22, 2016
Question: How do I move a candidate from one PID to another? Answer: Follow the steps below: Step 1: Select the students who you will be promoting (from the All or Matched tabs) Step 2: Go to the "Selected" tab > Select "Next Actions" > Click ... Read More
How to set up Appointment Types and Schedule Appointment Blocks for Advising
Viewed 9196 times since Jul 18, 2018
How to Set up Appointment Blocks for Advising Appointment blocks allow easier scheduling with variable time slots. Within each block, appointment types define the different topics/types to be scheduled with defined parameters. Blocks are set up... Read More
I cannot delete a candidate profile because its tied to historical data
Viewed 5606 times since Nov 7, 2013
Problem: I'm trying to delete a candidate's profile but I get a message saying that it is tied to historical data. What does this mean and how do I delete this candidate's profile? Resolution: When you try to delete a candidate's profile and receive... Read More
Why can’t I delete a candidates resume?
Viewed 3561 times since Dec 20, 2013
Problem: A candidate accidentally uploaded the wrong resume and the want to delete the one on file, but they can't. I logged in as the candidate and I don't see a delete icon in the actions column as there should be, why can't I delete this resume? ... Read More
MultiPost Overview
Viewed 3986 times since Aug 2, 2019
With MultiPost, students have access to more relevant jobs flowing into your school job board. In addition, employers can more easily use your platform to share jobs across their target schools. Here is how it works: Employers post jobs on the... Read More
Resume Book Order Approval
Viewed 3627 times since May 8, 2019
Schools offering resume books for purchase through the GradLeaders webstore must approve the purchase before being released to the employer. To approve a resume book: Click on Other Activities > Ordering(or RDB Ordering) This brings up the Orders... Read More
Account Creation is Disabled Error (SSO)
Viewed 5256 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: A candidate is trying to log into GradLeaders Career Center but they receive an error stating that Account Creation is disabled, Please Contact your system administrator. Why are they receiving this error and how do I fix this? Resolution: If... Read More
Will an employer be charged if they accidentally converted a job to Multipost?
Viewed 10847 times since Nov 16, 2013
Question: Will an employer be charged if they accidentally converted a job to a Multipost job? Answer: No, if an employer accidentally clicks yes to the Multipost popup message after submitting a job to a school, they will not be charged for the... Read More
Is there a way to uncancel an event?
Viewed 7428 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: I accidentally cancelled an event, is there a way to revert the change it? Answer: Unfortunately, once you cancel an event, there is no way to undo the cancellation. The same goes for workshops, events, mock interviews, jobs, and visits.... Read More
Incorrect number of candidates available in the resume books
Viewed 4145 times since Nov 7, 2013
Problem: I logged in as recruiter A and they don't see the same number of candidates as recruiter B, C, and D. All the recruiters are from different companies but they ordered the same product, why does recruiter A see 30 candidates less than the... Read More
Candidate cannot upload another resume
Viewed 3805 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: Candidate A has informed me that they are not able to upload another resume. They currently have a resume on file but there is no upload button, why can't they upload a new resume. Resolution: The candidate doesn't have access to the... Read More
Can recruiters edit their company information?
Viewed 3874 times since Nov 16, 2013
Question: Can recruiters edit their company information? Resolution: Yes, recruiters have the ability to edit their organization information if they have the appropriate permission enabled. They can do this by clicking the "View Organization... Read More
I get an error message when trying to change a candidate’s default resume
Viewed 3869 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: Candidate A is trying to change their default resume, but they get an error message telling them their resume is locked. I tried to change their resume and I get the same message, why is that? Answer: A candidate cannot change their... Read More
If I decline an OCR Request, is there a way to undecline it?
Viewed 4205 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: If I decline an OCR Request, is there a way to undecline it? Answer: Unfortunately, once a request is declined, there is no way to revert the declination. The same goes for approved, if you approve an OCR request, there is not way to... Read More
How Do I Add Notes to Candidate or Contact Records?
Viewed 4257 times since Oct 31, 2017
To add notes to a candidate record, go to Candidates>Candidate File from the main dashboard. Click the desired candidate's name then navigate to the Notes tab. Input a note title, date it was entered, type (from the drop-down), text, privacy... Read More
What is a Widget?
Viewed 4026 times since Oct 11, 2010
Widgets are useful information boxes that can be added to a dashboard. The functionality of each widget is a combination of hyperlinks, data fields, and general data. There are four different categories of Widgets. Each one being named based on who... Read More
What is a Dashboard Message?
Viewed 5446 times since Oct 18, 2010
Dashboard Messages are custom messages that will display in a particular dashboard Widget. These messages can be used to convey important information, such as rules, procedures or dates. Or it can simply be a list of common links used and/or... Read More
Why is a candidates profile information in admin different from the profile information in the candidate view?
Viewed 4080 times since Nov 11, 2013
Issue: I am making changes to a candidate's profile in the admin module but when I login as the candidate, the profile information is completely different, why is this? Resolution: The candidates profile information is different because the... Read More
Candidates cannot see the correct number of jobs
Viewed 3797 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: Candidate A and candidate B should be able to see the same number of jobs, but candidate B sees 13 less jobs than candidate A does, why is that? Resolution: The primary reason candidates do not see the same number of jobs is due to the Show... Read More
How do I batch email recruiters?
Viewed 3152 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard, go to Companies>Contact File. Click Basic Search and select the criteria you'd like to use to search for specific recruiters. Once you're viewing the filtered recruiters, select them individually or click Select All... Read More
Unable to create account: The E-mail address is already in use
Viewed 6360 times since Nov 16, 2013
Problem: A candidate is trying to log in but they get the following error message, why? Unable to create account: The E-mail address is already in use.; please contact your school administrator. Likely Cause(s): The username associated with the... Read More
How do I batch email students?
Viewed 3421 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard, go to Candidates>Candidate File. Click Basic Search and select the criteria you'd like to use to search for specific students. Once you're viewing the filtered students, select them individually or click Select All... Read More
How Do I Batch Update & Assign Answers
Viewed 3996 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard, go to Candidates>Candidate File Select desired candidates by conducting a basic or advanced search, or select all candidates by clicking the drop-down arrow next to Name. Go to the Selected tab>Next Actions>Update... Read More
Can I charge employers for career fairs, booths, WiFi, electricity, and more?
Viewed 4629 times since Sep 11, 2017
It's very easy to charge employers for all the fees associated to events like career fairs. To get started, contact your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support Team to request access to this feature. Be prepared to provide the following... Read More
Can I charge employers money for room reservations or OCR date requests?
Viewed 3459 times since Sep 11, 2017
It's easy to charge employers for room reservations and OCR date requests. To get started, contact your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support Team to request access to this feature. Be prepared to provide the following information: Sales... Read More
How do I lock/unlock resumes for students/alumni/candidates?
Viewed 5763 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard, go to Candidates>Candidate File. Click on the name of the candidate resume you'd like to unlock, navigate to the Resume tab and click Unlock Active Resume on the right-hand side under the action menu. *Outdated... Read More
What Data, Files, Grids and Lists are Searchable or Filterable in the System?
Viewed 3461 times since Oct 31, 2017
Throughout the system, there are several different areas where you will find Basic Search, Advanced Search, Quick Look-ups and Filter functionality to make searching easy. Here we'll explain where within the system each search functionality is... Read More
How do I approve student-submitted documents?
Viewed 3858 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard, go to Candidates>Document Approval Queue. This takes you directly to all pending documents. From here, you can filter by document type, advisor name, or search for students by last name. Then, simply click the icons... Read More
How to Print Nametags with the Check-In Module
Viewed 12072 times since Sep 7, 2018
DYMO LABELWRITER 450 SETUP ONLY (see below for 550s) Printer installation, setup, and troubleshooting Setting up the printer 1. Select the 'Check-In' menu option located under the configuration menu. 2. Click the 'Software/Driver v8.7.2' link... Read More
What Are Term Replacements and How Do I Change Them?
Viewed 4004 times since Oct 13, 2017
Term replacements are words that you have the ability to change throughout the system. Default Term is the automatic word that's used to describe a feature within your career center system. Sample Value is the option for another name you can use for... Read More
How to Share a Standard Looker Report as a Widget on the Student / Candidate Dashboard *Completed/Migrated*
Viewed 6012 times since Aug 15, 2019
Share Data Analytics with students via the student dashboard. Metrics for advising, on-campus interviews, workshops, internships and application activity are all available as standard widgets. Here are the steps to access and share: How to... Read More