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Is there a glossary of terms mapping the Looker® Ad-Hoc Reporting and Data Management Solution terminology to the GradLeaders Career Center naming conventions?

Your GradLeaders Career Center platform data has already been modeled to make using Looker® even easier to use. But if you're not familiar with the GradLeaders Career Center terminology (or Looker®) we've created this handy glossary to help you better understand what each term means:


General Looker Terminology

Look = Report

Space = Folder to contain saved Looks

Data Model = GradLeaders has built the GradLeaders Career Center data architecture into Looker in a hopefully user-friendly way.  This model can be easily changed and improved without GradLeaders Career Center system changes.

Explore = major GradLeaders Career Center Data Module

  • Examples:   Job Postings, Advising Appointments or Students
  • The GradLeaders Career Center Data Model contains many Explores

View = GradLeaders Career Center Data Table or CSO Database

  • Examples: Job Master, Advising Activity, Candidate Profile Details
  • An Explore contains many Views

Dimension = Data Field found in GradLeaders Career Center

  • Examples: Job Posting Date, Student Last Name
  • A View contains many Dimensions

Measure = Pre-Defined Calculated Fields.  These are not actual GradLeaders Career Center data fields, but GradLeaders added them to the model for ease of use.

  • Examples: Count Jobs, Count Workshops, Average Salary
  • A View can contain one or more Measures.

Drills (Drill-downs) = click-through details on a Look

Custom Calculations = Columns that a user can add to a Look


GradLeaders Data Model Standards

GradLeaders Career Center allows flexible configurations and many schools name things differently.  These are the generic names used in the GradLeaders Career Center Looker Data Model.

Advising = Advising, Career Coaching, Career Counseling, etc.

Candidates = candidates, students, alumni, members, etc.

Employers = employers, companies, organizations, etc.

Employment / Job Offers = all variations of employment data, outcomes, placement, etc.

Events = all variations of Employer / Company Events.

  • Multi-Company includes Career Fairs, Industry Nights, Networking events, etc.
  • Single-Company includes Presentations, Info Sessions, Coffee Chats, and Other Events

Jobs = used for Job Postings and it also includes on-campus interview jobs

Mock Interviews = Mock interviews, practice interviews, group advising, small groups, etc.

Notes = Notes, observations, etc.

On-Campus Interview Visits = all variations of OCR, OCI, Interview Dates, etc.

  • Visit = the main data record indicating that a given Employer is conducting interviews for one or more jobs, with one or more schedules, on given date(s).
  • Round = a grouping of Visits with similar dates (Round, Cycle, Interview Week, Season, etc.)

Recruiter = recruiter, contact, etc.

School Staff = all admin users

  • advisors, coaches, counselors, etc.
  • account managers, company relationship managers, etc.
  • co-op managers

Workshops = workshops, programs, professional development, etc.


View Naming Conventions

Master = the primary view for a given data entity.  Examples: Workshop Master, Candidate Master, Job Master.  This will contain most of the standard Dimensions (fields) that you see in your GLCC system, including many that schools can customize (like student major or company industry).

  • Note that there are two “masters” for the Candidate File. 
  • For most circumstances, the “Candidate Master – Current PIDs” view will meet your needs.  This view includes all of your students and alumni, across all active PIDs, and includes only their current default profile.
  • If your school has used the system for many years, and has many old, inactive PIDs (example: “Graduating Class of 2013”), the “Candidate Master – All PIDs” will give you a way to access and include that historical data with your current data.

Details = the view where school's customizable profile fields are contained.  Examples: Workshop Details, Candidate Profile Details, Job Details.  In the various “Details” views, all of the nomenclature is the same:

  • Custom Field Name – this is the label for the field / Question in GradLeaders Career Center which varies by school.  Examples: Workshop Topic, Student Ethnicity, Club Affiliation, etc.
  • Field Text Value – This is the data value for fields/questions that are text.  Any field that is directly typed in, and all pick list fields, have the responses stored here.
  • Field Date Value – custom fields with date input have the responses stored here.
  • Field Numeric Value – custom fields with numeric input have the responses stored here.  

Activity = transactional data.  Examples: Event Candidate Activity, Advising Activity Details, etc.




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