How can I get the schedules to fill equally?
Viewed 3537 times since Oct 11, 2010
The scheduler tries to fill the slots so students aren't conflicted. The scheduler does not take into account balancing the schedules. Most schools “tighten up” the schedules by removing slots before they run the scheduler. For example, if...
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Adding buffer time into schedules
Viewed 4385 times since Oct 21, 2010
Problem: We have had some issues with off-campus interviews that are scheduled through the system. When there are on and off campus interviews in the same day, that we schedule, the system doesn't know that students need extra time to get to the...
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What is the difference between Run Schedule and Confirm Schedule?
Viewed 3869 times since Oct 29, 2010
Problem: What is the difference between Run Schedule and Confirm Schedule? Likely Cause(s): n/a Resolution: When an admin chooses to Run the schedule, the system will put the candidates in the time slots and makes visit not visible. When an admin...
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Changing schedules after schedule is run
Viewed 3398 times since Oct 11, 2010
Problem:An employer has set up an On-Campus Recruiting event with 30 minute schedules. We have sent out the invitations, and ran the schedule, but now the employer want to change the schedule to 60 minute time slots. How can we do this without...
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Resume Drop Notifications
Viewed 2369 times since Aug 20, 2010
Problem: If an employer sets up a resume drop via job posting, do they get an email notifying them of the resume drop? Is there any difference to a how they are notified of a resume drop via a visit with zero schedules? Likely Cause(s): n/a...
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Converting a job to an OCR Interview
Viewed 3542 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: When I convert a job to OCR interview, it asks if I want to delete the job. The only reason I would want to click yes is if I wanted the historical data correct? Resolution: Correct, if you select yes, the job will be deleted and the...
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What are the new screening criteria for jobs and interviews?
Viewed 4118 times since Oct 6, 2017
Effective on Monday, October 9th, 2017, you will see an improvement in the way Employers and/or Admin users select screening criteria for jobs and interviews in GradLeaders Career Center. In the past, there was a question “Do you want to limit who...
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