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Implementation Plan - On-Campus Interviews (OCI) Email Templates List

Below is a list of customizable email templates associated with the On-Campus Interview (OCI) module. 

Audience Email ID Email Type Email Name Active Default Module Description of Email
Student 161 PopUp Visit Email All Scheduled Yes Yes Interviews When an admin uses the "Email All Scheduled" for a visit
Student 4 Automatic Visit Finalize Invited Yes Yes Interviews When the company visit invite list is finalized by either the Admin or Employer and the recipient candidate has been invited.
Student 5 Automatic Visit Finalize Alternate Yes Yes Interviews When the company visit invite list is finalized by either the Admin or Employer and the recipient candidate has been invited as an alternate.
Student 6 Automatic Visit Finalize Not Invited Yes Yes Interviews When the company visit invite list is finalized by either the Admin or Employer and the recipient candidate who applied had not been invited or marked as an alternate. 
Student 7 PopUp Remove Resume Drop Yes Yes Interviews When a resume that was submitted via resume drop is removed via the admin module
Student 9 PopUp Remove Closed Yes Yes Interviews When an Admin removes a candidate from a closed Interview via the admin module
Student 10 PopUp Remove From Schedule Yes Yes Interviews When an Admin removes the candidate from the schedule via the admin module
Student 12 Automatic Confirmed On Closed Waitlist Yes Yes Interviews When an admin or employer finalizes the schedule and the candidate is placed on the schedule waitlist for an interview
Student 16 PopUp Visit Cancelled Yes Yes Interviews When an admin clicks on the cancel icon for a visit
Student 18 Agent Invitation Not Accepted Yes Yes Interviews When the candidate declines an invite from an employer for an interview
Student 44 Automatic Swap Request Yes Yes Interviews When a candidate initiates a swap request
Student 45 Automatic Swap Request Declined Yes Yes Interviews When the candidate who received a swap request declines it
Student 46 Automatic Swap Request Withdrawn Yes Yes Interviews When a candidate who initiated a swap request withdraws the request
Student 47 Automatic Swap Request Accepted Yes Yes Interviews When a candidate who was asked to swap a request accepts
Student 70 Automatic Visit Promote From Waitlist Yes Yes Interviews Admin promotes candidate to schedule from waitlist for a visit
Student 75 Agent Clear Waitlist No Yes Interviews If setting to auto clear the waitlist = yes, this email will be sent the number of days prior to the interview letting students know the waitlist has been cleared
Student 81 PopUp Visit Email Attended Yes No Interviews Admin clicks on "email all attended" icon for an interview
Student 82 PopUp Visit Email Not Attended Yes No Interviews Admin clicks on "email all not attended" icon for an interview
Student 90 Agent OCR Interview Reminder No Yes Interviews When the setting for "send interview reminder" is set, this email sends x number of days before the event to the candidate
Student 97 Agent Visit Candidate Automated Follow-up Yes Yes Interviews Sent on the day following the visit/interview date.
Student 100 PopUp Admin Visit Swap No Yes Interviews When an admin manually changes a students timeslot for an interview schedule. 
Student 107 Automatic Confirmed On Schedule With Conflict Yes No Interviews Admin runs and/or confirms schedules for a visit and a Student is placed on schedule for an event and the time slot has conflicts
Student 134 Agent Send Invite Accept Deadline Email To Students Yes Yes Interviews Candidate is invited to a visit, but they have not accepted the invitation x number of days before the deadline date. 
Student 139 PopUp Visit Add To Resume Drop Yes Yes Interviews Admin manually adds a student to a resume drop for an interview 
Student 141 Automatic Confirmed On Open Waitlist Yes Yes Interviews Admin adds a candidate to an open waitlist
Student 149 Automatic Visit Alternate Invited No Yes Interviews When invites are finalized and an alternate has been promoted from the alternate status to an invited status before the schedule is run. 
Student 152 PopUp Late Invites Yes Yes Interviews When a candidate is invited after the Invite Accept End date
Student 337 Automatic Visit Multiple Applications Yes Yes Interviews Notifies the student that their application has been removed because the visit does not allow multiple applications
Student 338 Automatic Visit Finalize Off-Campus Invited Yes Yes Interviews Notifies a student that they will have an off-campus interview 
Student 11 Automatic Confirm On Schedule Yes No Interviews  When an admin or employer finalizes the schedule and the candidate is placed on schedule for an event
Employer 36 Agent Agent Visit Resume Drops To Employer Yes Yes Interviews Nightly email agent when the Resume Visit to Employer date has past and the application method is via email or resume drop. This notifies the contact that they can view the resumes
Employer 58 Agent Application Available To Employer Yes Yes Interviews Email notification to the employer letting them know that the student resumes are available for viewing 
Employer 59 Agent Invites Due To Employer Yes Yes Interviews Specified number of days before the Closed list due date in OCR, lets the employer know they need to finalize the invites
Employer 60 Agent Schedule Available To Employer Yes Yes Interviews Sent the morning after "Schedule Available to Employer" date letting the employer know they can view the schedule
Employer 109 Agent Final Deadline To Employer No Yes Interviews Date when the schedules are finalized, which is 2 days before the interview
Employer 142 Agent Job Description Due To Employer Yes Yes Interviews Based on a setting for send job description due, send job description 1st reminder, send job description 2nd reminder. Job Description Due date on the Visit triggers the email at three different offset days
Employer 145 PopUp Visit Confirmation Email to Employer Yes Yes Interviews Admin clicks the "Send Confirmation Email" from the visit view page.
Employer 153 Agent Interview Reminder email to Employer Yes Yes Interviews An Interview reminder email for an employer that gets sent via the nightly email agent. 
Employer 201 Automatic Candidate Added to Interview Schedule - Email to Employer Yes Yes Interviews When a candidate is added to a schedule it lets the employer know the student and the time
Employer 202 Automatic Candidate Promoted to Interview Schedule - Email to Employer Yes Yes Interviews When candidate is promoted to a schedule it lets the employer know the student and the time
Employer 203 Automatic Candidate Removed from Interview Schedule - Email to Employer Yes Yes Interviews When a candidate is removed from a schedule
Admin 17 Automatic Employer Edit Visit Yes Yes Interviews When an employer edits an active visit
Admin 63 Automatic Employer Ready To Finalize Yes Yes Interviews When an employer clicks "Ready to finalize"
Admin 245 PopUp Signup Sheet To Account Manager No Yes Interviews When an admin clicks the 'Email' icon on the Schedules tab for a particular schedule in order to email the account manager for the company on the schedule.
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