Home » Categories » Career Advising / Coaching, Mock Interviews » Advising / Coaching, Mock Interviews - Messages & Email Templates » Advising Appointments - Messages

Appointment Updated

Email Title: Appointment Updated

Email ID #: 51

Module: Advising Appointment

The GradLeaders Standard Email template is Populated.

The email is sent automatically.

CSO Admins may edit the email on the Job Program.

Email Recipient(s): Candidates

Email Trigger: Admin changes candidate's appointment in CSO admin

The following is a list of defined replaceable parameters that may be used in the Appointment Updated template:

{advisorname}, {advisorphone}, {appointmentdate}, {appointmentlocation}, {appointmentname}, {topic}, {appointmenttype}, {classyear}, {publiccomments}, {studentfirstname}, {studentlastname}, {timezone}

This email is controlled by these program settings:


An example email:


Your {appointmentname} on {appointmentdate} has been updated.


Dear {studentfirstname} {studentlastname}:

Your Appointment has been updated to {timeslot}

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