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Posting a Job as Confidential

Posting a Job as Confidential

Job postings in GradLeaders Career Center can be posted as confidential or non-confidential by either the employer or CSO Admin. In order to post a job as confidential, the job posting survey must have the question 'Job Posting Company is Confidential?'. This can be on either the Admin Job posting or Employer Job Posting surveys.

If the question is answered as yes, then the candidate module will change for that job posting. The changes made are listed below.

  • Candidate Job Posting
    • The company name will not link back to the company profile.
    • The company URL will not be displayed
    • The Primary Job contact section will not be displayed
    • The action link "See All Jobs for this Company" will not be displayed
    • Candidate Company Search
      • Details tab (Companies/CompanyDetails.aspx) - any time a candidate uses the "See All Jobs for this Company" link it needs to exclude confidential jobs.
      • The Recruiting History / Activity tab (Companies/CompanyRecruitingHistory.aspx) will exclude confidential jobs.
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