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Implementation Plan - Resume Book Email Templates List

Below is a list of customizable email templates that are associated with Resume Book.

Audience Email ID Email Type Email Name Active Default Module Description of Email
Student 295 PopUp Batch Resume Book Status Active Mixed Mixed Resume Book When an admin batch updates a group of students resume book status to Active
Student 296 PopUp Batch Resume Book Status Declined Mixed Mixed Resume Book When an admin batch updates a group of students resume book status to Declined
Employer 242 PopUp Custom Resume Book To Employer Yes No Resume Book When an admin creates a custom resume book and it gets sent to multiple employers with the information on how to access
Employer 243 PopUp Custom Resume Book To Select Employer Yes No Resume Book When an admin creates a custom resume book and it gets sent to a singular employer with the information on how to access
Student 42 PopUp Candidate Approved Mixed Mixed Resume Book When an admin changes resume book status to approved.
Student 43 PopUp Candidate Declined Mixed Mixed Resume Book When an admin changes resume book status to declined.
Student 147 Agent Resume Book Expiration Notification Mixed Mixed Resume Book Based on a setting, this expires candidates from the Resume Database after x period of inactivity
Student 148 Agent Resume Book Pending Expiration Notification Mixed Mixed Resume Book Based on a setting, this sends to candidates x days prior to the system setting them as inactive 
Student 156 PopUp Candidate Active Unavailable Mixed Mixed Resume Book Based on the setting "Allow Email on Candidate Status change to Active but Unavailable" Candidate resume book status is changed to Active but Unavailable.
Student 157 PopUp Candidate Inactive Mixed Mixed Resume Book Candidate resume book status is changed to inactive.


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