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Free Resume Book Feature 4990 - Admin Guide

Using the Feature

1) Creating Resume Books

  1. Execute a Candidate search to define the desired subset for the Resume Book/Database.
  2. From the Matched tab choose Next Actions > Create Free Resume Book
  3. On the popup screen, give the Resume book a display name, expiration date, and check the box to have it appear in the employer widget as something that they can request.
  4. Note: the popup has a screen message (Admin Free Resume Book) that can be changed.
  5. Save button creates the product.

2) Requested Resume Books

  1. Employer Requests Free Resume Book via widget.
  2. Admin goes to the normal Ordering management page and Approves. There is a pop-up email template (ID # 348 – Free Resume Book Approval) that can be used when the order is marked as Approved.
  3. Employer can access from their dashboard or 'Candidate Search' menu.

3) Admin user sending free resume book to recruiter

  1. Can be sent from the Free Resume Book File, under Candidates menu.
  2. Best practice is to go to the Recruiter File, and either Search or manually Select a subset of records.
  3. Email Template - Free Resume Book Access Email - with variables: {contactfirstname} {contactlastname} {contactname} {accesscode} {accesscombinationurl} {accessurl} {orgname} {schoolname}





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