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Candidate Contact Report

Report Title: Candidate Contact Report
Module: Candidate
Parameters: Class Year, Program

This report pulls the candidate contact information based on the selected parameters.

Output columns are:

  • UCID: Candidate ID
  • Status: Candidate resume book status
  • Prefix: Candidate prefix
  • First Name: First name
  • Last Name: Last name
  • Preferred Name: Preferred name
  • Suffix: Contact Suffix
  • Address: Address Line 1
  • City: City
  • State: State
  • Zip: Postal Code
  • Country: Country
  • Current Primary Phone: Phone Number
  • Cell Phone: Cell Phone
  • Email: Contact Email
  • Expected Grad Quarter: Expected Grad Quarter
  • Expected Grad Year: Expected Grad Year
  • Grad Year: Grad year

Multiple Class Year/ Program selections: To select more than one class year or program hold down the Ctrl key then select multiple class year/ program options

This report pulls candidates from all pids based on the selected program and class year.

For the Address field, if the recruiter has information in Address line 2 & 3, it will be displayed within the same address column on succeeding rows

Some fields may not populate values due to your schools configurations

Any search criteria that has an asterisk (*) next to it is a required search criteria.

Any report with a Date Range search, it is HIGHLY Recommended that a date range be included. Not including this can cause reports to time out due to the amount of data.


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