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GLCC LinkedIn Integration


LinkedIn Integration allows candidate's to link their GTS profile to their LinkedIn profile. This document provides step by step instructions on how to configure LinkedIn Integration and an explanation of how this feature works.

What We Need From You

To begin our configuration, we need two bits of information from you or your school's tech team:

  • LinkedIn Client ID
  • LinkedIn Client Secret Value

To provide this information, your school needs to setup an API through the LinkedIn Developer module, the following link provides an overview of what you'll need to do to create the API application, but the steps are outlined in the Configuration Steps section below:


What You Should have Received From Us

You should have received the following links for Linkedin API configuration:

  • https://gtscandidate.mbafocus.com/SCHOOLABRV/Candidates/Authenticated/Summary/RegistrationSummary.aspx
  • https://gtsadmin.mbafocus.com
  • https://gtscandidate.mbafocus.com
  • https://Admin.gradleaders.com
  • https://Candidate.gradleaders.com

OR the following links for Beta Configuration

  • https://candidate-beta.mbafocus.com/SCHOOLABRV/Candidates/Authenticated/Summary/RegistrationSummary.aspx
  • https://admin-beta.mbafocus.com

NOTE: The candidate link should not have (SCHOOLABRV) in the url, if you received the link with (SCHOOLABRV) included or if you were not informed of your schools abbreviation, ask for the correct link with your school abbreviation included

Configuration Steps

The following instructions explain how to setup your Linkedin API:

  1. Go to https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/oauth2 and click the "Create an application" link in the first section
  2. Create a service account by clicking the Join Now link

    Note: We recommend that you do not use your own personal account to create this integration application, if you already have an existing service account, skip step two and login

  3. Once you are logged in, click Create Application
  4. Complete the required fields on the Create a New Application page and click Submit
  5. On the Authentication page, check the following permissions: 
  6. Add the links you received to the Authorized Redirect URLs field, one at a time, then click Update
  7. Note the Client ID and Client Secret Value
  8. Click the JavaScript menu option
  9. Add the links you received to the Valid SDK Domains field, one at a time, then click Update
  10. Logout and send the Client ID and Client Secret Value to us

Once we've received the Client ID and Client Secret Value, we will update our configurations and let you know when its ready to test.


How it Works:

The following sections explain how candidates connect their profiles to their linkedin accounts and how admins can view candidate linkedin accounts


Linking a Candidate Profile to LinkedIn (Candidate Module)

The following steps explain how a candidate can connect their Linkedin profile to their MBAFocus profile

Candidate Steps

  1. My Profile > Summary
  2. Click the "Connect your LinkedIn" action link in the Actions widget
  3. You will be taken to a LinkedIn Authorization page where you can do one of four things:
    1. Enter Email and Password
      1. Once a user enters their email/ password  and clicks Allow Access, they will be directed back to the GTS Summary page and the "Connect your LinkedIn" link be changed to "View Full LinkedIn Profile"
    2. Click 'Forgot your password?'
      1. If a candidate clicks this link, a LinkedIn forgot your password page will open in a new tab/ window where they would reset their password, then go back to the Authentication page and enter their email and password to connect their profiles
    3. Click Join LinkedIn
      1. If a candidate clicks this link, a LinkedIn registration page will open in a new tab/ window where they would create their LinkedIn profile, then go back to the Authentication page and enter their email and password to connect their profiles
    4. Cancel
      1. If a candidate clicks cancel, they will be brought back to the GTS Summary page
  4. Click Connect on the My Profile > Summary page
  5. Page Refreshes
  6. The Connect link changes to a View Full LinkedIn Profile

Regardless of whether a candidate is automatically connected or not, once a LinkedIn profile is connected, the "Connect your LinkedIn" link will be changed to a "View Full LinkedIn Profile" link; when a candidate clicks this link, they will be brought to the full profile view of their LinkedIn profile.

As long as a candidate does not log out of their LinkedIn account, in general, within the same browser, they won't have to log in when they click the View Full LinkedIn profile link.

A user's LinkedIn session state is an important factor in this feature. If a candidates' LinkedIn session is still active, meaning if they go to Linkedin.com and are already logged in, they won't have to manually connect their LinkedIn profile to their GTS profile as the GTS will detect an active LinkedIn account and connect it to the candidate's profile.

Viewing a Candidate's LinkedIn Profile (Admin Module)

The following steps explain how an admin can view a candidates Linkedin profile from the candidate profile view page

Admin Steps

When an admin views a candidate's profile, a LinkedIn section at the bottom of the profile view page will be displayed IF the candidate has connected their LinkedIn profile.

If the candidate has connected their LinkedIn profile but the admin is not logged into LinkedIn, the LinkedIn section will be displayed but the candidates LinkedIn information will not be shown; the admin must click the "Sign in to See Profile" button which will open a small LinkedIn Sign in window with the following options:

  • Enter Email and Password
    • Once an admin enters their email password and clicks Sign in, the modal will close, the admin will be brought back to the Candidate Profile View page and the LinkedIn section will display a summary of the candidates LinkedIn profile.
    • Click 'Forgot your password?'
      • If an admin clicks this link, a LinkedIn forgot your password page will open in a new tab/ window where they would reset their password, then go back to the Login modal and enter their email and password to login. Once they've logged in, the modal will close and the LinkedIn section will display a summary of the candidates LinkedIn profile.
    • Click Join LinkedIn
      • If an admin clicks this link, a LinkedIn registration page will open in a new tab/ window where they would create a profile, then go back to the Login modal to login. Once they've logged in, the modal will close and the LinkedIn section will display a summary of the candidates LinkedIn profile.
    • Cancel
      • If an admin clicks cancel, the modal will be closed.

Once an admin logs in, they will be able to see the summary information of a candidate's LinkedIn profile. They will NOT need to login again if they want to view different, connected candidates LinkedIn information. As long as the admin does not log out of their LinkedIn account, in general, within the same browser, they'll only have to login once to view candidate LinkedIn profiles.

If an admin signs in as a candidate who has not Connected their LinkedIn Profile and goes to My Profile > Summary, the "Connect Your Profile" link won't be click able.

If an admin signs in as a candidate who has Connected their LinkedIn Profile and goes to My Profile > Summary, the "View Full LinkedIn Profile" link will take the admin to the Full Profile View of the candidates LinkedIn Profile.

A user's LinkedIn session state is an important factor in this feature. If an admin's LinkedIn session is still active meaning if they go to Linkedin.com and are already logged in, they won't have to login to view candidates LinkedIn information, GTS will detect an active LinkedIn account and allow admins to see the candidates LinkedIn information.


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