Implementation Plan - Workshop Email Templates List

Below is a list of customizable email templates that are associated with the Workshops Module. 

Audience Email ID Email Type Email Name Active Default Module Description of Email
Student 25 PopUp Workshop Remove From Signup Yes Yes Workshops When an admin removes a student from the signup list for a workshop via the admin module
Student 26 PopUp Workshop Add To Signup Yes Yes Workshops When an admin adds a candidate to a workshop in the admin module
Student 27 Automatic Workshop Promote From Waitlist Yes Yes Workshops When an admin promotes a candidate from waitlist for a workshop
Student 28 PopUp Workshop Cancel Yes Yes Workshops When an admin cancels a workshop via the admin module
Student 34 Agent Workshop Reminder Yes Yes Workshops Email sent on the reminder date as defined in the workshop setup by admin 
Student 77 PopUp Workshop Email Attended Yes Yes Workshops Admin clicks on "email all attended" icon
Student 78 PopUp Workshop Email Not Attended Yes Yes Workshops Admin clicks on "email all not attended" icon
Student 92 PopUp Workshop - Email All Signups No Yes Workshops Advisor/Admin clicks on icon to "email all signups" for a workshop
Student 104 Agent Workshop First Timers Only Reminder Email No Yes Workshops Based on a setting, sends a reminder email x number of days before the workshop. 
Student 135 PopUp Workshop Add To Waitlist Yes Yes Workshops When an Admin adds a candidate to a workshop waitlist
Student 197 PopUp Workshop Email Not Signed Up No Yes Workshops When an Admin clicks the "Email Not Signed Up" button on a workshop
Student 284 PopUp Workshop w/Fee - Add to Signup Yes Yes Workshops When an admin adds a student to the signup list for a workshop
Student 285 PopUp Workshop w/Fee - Promote From Waitlist Yes Yes Workshops When an admin promotes a candidate from waitlist for a workshop
Student 286 PopUp Workshop w/Fee - Reminder Yes Yes Workshops Reminder sent about the workshop
Student 287 PopUp Workshop w/Fee - Remove from Signup Yes Yes Workshops When an admin removes a candidate from the workshop signups, or a candidate removes themselves from the event, causing a candidate to move from the waitlist to event signup
Student 288 PopUp Workshop w/Fee - Cancelled Yes Yes Workshops A notice that the workshop has been cancelled
Student 289 PopUp Workshop w/Fee - Invoice Yes Yes Workshops A notice that you have been added to the workshop that includes your invoice

Article ID: 3497
Created On: Feb 25, 2020 at 4:39 PM
Last Updated On: Feb 25, 2020 at 4:39 PM
Authored by: Mohamed Noor

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