MultiPost Overview

With MultiPost, students have access to more relevant jobs flowing into your school job board.   In addition, employers can more easily use your platform to share jobs across their target schools.

Here is how it works:

What does this mean for your school?

How does this work for the employers?

  1. Post the job (same as it is now)
  2. Message appears asking if they wish to post to other schools
  3. Select schools
  4. If # of schools is more than x limit for free posting, payment option is presented
  5. Job is posted to the school where it originated
  6. Company is reviewed by GradLeaders and job is available for approval by other schools selected
  7. Students have access to more targeted jobs through your job board


Article ID: 3462
Created On: Aug 2, 2019 at 11:44 AM
Last Updated On: Jul 29, 2022 at 12:51 PM
Authored by: Eddie Thomas

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