Candidate Declined

Email Title:

Candidate Declined

Email ID:




Email Recipient(s):


Email Trigger:

admin changes resume book status to declined.

The GradLeaders Standard Email template is Populated

The email is sent via a Pop Up

CSO Admins may edit the email on the RB Program

The following is a list of defined replaceable parameters that may be used in the Candidate Declined template:

StudentFirstName - {studentfirstname}

StudentLastName - {studentlastname}

StudentMiddleName - {studentmiddlename}

StudentSuffix - {studentsuffix}

This email is controlled by the following program settings (if applicable):

Program> Settings> Registration> Allow Email on Candidate Status change to Decline: Yes

Note: If you do not have access to the configuration, please use the “Contact” link above for assistance with modifying your email templates or contact a GradLeaders Representative

An example email:


Your record has been declined for inclusion in the resume book.


Dear {studentfirstname} {studentlastname}:

Your resume and profile have been declined by the Career Services Office for inclusion in the resume book. Please contact our office to see what action you must take to be included in the Resume Book.




Article ID: 282
Created On: Sep 21, 2010 at 11:00 AM
Last Updated On: Aug 23, 2022 at 2:35 PM
Authored by: KB Admin

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