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MBA Year-to-Year Employment Reporting Overview - Candidate Module


  1. Student Interface – Dashboard & Menu Access
  2. Link into the student Employment Reporting widget for “Update My Status”. 
  3. This link will take the student into the 1st page of the survey wizard. 
  4. The link on the status will also go to page 1 of the survey wizard.
  5. The View All link in the widget will take the student to the offer list page, with the assumption being that they are intending to update an offer with a decision.
  6. Menu tab for Employment Status to access page 1 of the survey.  As with all menus, this text can vary from school to school.
  7. Additionally, schools will be able to place a direct link (URL) to page 1 of the survey in email messages so that they can get students directly in from marketing emails.  This URL will of course be subject to login authentication, but once authenticated, the student will bypass the dashboard and be taken directly to the survey.
  8. The current system option to force students into the employment survey every {XX} number of days will be retained.
  9. If this setting is used by a school, and a student is forced into the survey, they must at least respond to page 1 of the survey in order to access the rest of the system.
  10. An additional setting will be “Force Employment Survey Response?” with Yes/No options.   Once a student has been re-directed to the survey, a “Yes” setting will not allow the student to leave the page without responding to page 1 of the survey (see 14.4 and 14.5 below).
  11.  Student Interface – Employment Survey Screen #1
  12. Page 1 of the Employment Survey wizard will simply be a radio button display of all of the Job Reporting Status responses designated by the school.
  13. Each response can direct the student to a different set of survey questions if the school so desires.
  14. Navigation:

14.1. If the student's particular response does not have additional survey questions to follow, when the student clicks Save they will get a light box message with a flexible message from the school – to the effect of “Thank you for completing the survey”, and they will be taken back to the dashboard.

14.2. Save & Continue will direct the student to the next page, if applicable.

14.3. Save & Exit will save the response and go back to the dashboard.  Schools may choose to remove this button via GradLeaders Career Center permissions, if they do not want to allow the student to exit at this point.

14.4. Cancel will take the student back to the dashboard without saving.  If the student has been forced to this page by the setting in #9 above, and #10 setting is “Yes”, the Cancel button is disabled.

14.5. Menus are also disabled if the student is forced into this screen by the setting described in 9 above, , and 10 setting is “Yes”.

  1. NOTE: A feature to allow an administrator to “Lock” a student's Reporting Status for the Reporting Year will be in place.  If the student is locked, then this screen should simply re-direct the student to the Job Offer List Page (#35 below).
  2. The screen (#11 above) is laid out as one example of how a school may choose to configure the system.  It presents an “Accepted” option, a “Seeking” option, and 3 of the “Not Seeking” options.  Wording for any of these Job Reporting Status responses is school-defined; the example above is a more verbose example.
  3. Student Interface – Employment Survey Screen #2a – Not Seeking
  4. As discussed earlier, page 2 of the survey will be variable dependent on the response on page 1.
  5. This survey would be setup to include the Job Reporting Status question as a required field, with all of the “Not Seeking” options visible as possible responses.   Normal GradLeaders Career Center survey rules will be used to exclude the “Seeking” and “Accepted” status responses from this survey.
  6. Schools may choose to add other questions to this survey page.  Normal GradLeaders Career Center survey controls are available, so all variations of field types (pick list, multi-select, text entry, date entry, etc. are available.  Full flexibility in sequencing the fields and requiring certain fields is also available.
  7. Navigation works in a similar fashion to page 1, but once beyond page 1, the form will respect the GradLeaders Career Center survey concept of required fields, so if a Save button is pressed, all required fields will be checked before allowing the user to move on.
  8. This page will also be able to lead to a subsequent page, so that by selecting a particular “Not Seeking” status, students can be directed to yet another dynamic survey page and prompted to answer questions.
  9. Note that each page has a flexible on-screen message that is specific to that survey page.
  10. Student Interface – Employment Survey Screen #2b – Offer Survey
  11. As discussed earlier, page 2 of the survey will be variable dependent on the response on page 1.   The Screen 2b is an example of the Job Offer entry survey screen.   All relevant job offer questions can be asked here. This is a fully flexible survey. 
  12. The Organization/Company section of this survey will have three options as depicted on the screen above. 

26.1. Option A shows the organization name as a straight text field that is not connected to the  GradLeaders Career Center Company file.  Students can simply type in the name of the organization that made the offer.

26.2. Option B does not allow the student to type the name, rather, they select a company from the  GradLeaders Career Center Company file.  They also have the ability to add a record to the Company file. 

26.2.1. With Option B, It is advisable to include a text entry field for “Division / Department,” so the student can identify where they will be working.  This might help alleviate the issue of students adding duplicate company records because they feel that their particular division of a firm is not represented in the Company file list.

26.3. Option C is a hybrid of the two other options.  Essentially, the student may select from existing  GradLeaders Career Center Company records but not add records to the company file.

26.3.1. If the student selects a company, their offer is attached to that company, and the display is the same as Option B.

26.3.2. If the student does not find their company, they have a button which lets them key in the company name, as shown above with Option A.  The Offer does not have a  GradLeaders Career Center Company ID, just the text of the organization name.  See #32 below.

26.4. There will be a GradLeaders Career Center school setting for “Company / Offers Option” to determine if a school is using Option A (No Company Selection),   Option B (Force Company Selection), or Option C (Hybrid).

  1. The “Other Compensation” section is shown as this is a special screen section that is only available on the Offer entry surveys.  Features include:

27.1. The Other Compensation types (signing bonus, guaranteed bonus, etc.) is a flexible list that can vary per school.

27.2. The open text box allows student entry of some other type of compensation.

27.3. An additional 5 columns may all be turned on or off at a school's discretion.

  1. Offer Status is a key field on this screen as it will help determine a student's status.  Some special cases must be handled upon the Save of the survey:

28.1. If the student has indicated that their Reporting Status is “Seeking”, and they mark the Offer Status as “Accepted”, then the system will change their Reporting Status to the “Accepted a Job” value.

28.2. If the student has indicated that their Reporting Status is “Accepted a Job”, and they mark the Offer Status as “Pending” or “Declined”, then the system will challenge them with a flexible popup message, with words to the effect “Your reporting status is Accepted.  Did you accept this job offer?” with Yes/No buttons.

28.2.1. Clicking Yes will change the Job Offer status to Accepted.

28.2.2. Clicking No will save the offer as-is, and prompt the student again with a flexible message to the effect of “OK, what do you want to do next?” with 3 buttons: Change My Status to “Seeking”   (this changes the student's status and returns to Job Offer List Page - Screen #35) Add Another Offer  (This opens another new offer – screen #24) Edit an Existing Offer (this changes the student's status to “Seeking” to avoid the discrepancy situation and returns the user to Job Offer List Page - Screen #35.  If the student subsequently edits an offer and Accepts it, #28.1 will convert them back to Accepted status.)

  1. Other Navigation items:

29.1.If a school is using company Option B as described in #25, a student coming in to this page to add a new offer will be taken to the “Select Organization” screen.

29.2. If the student clicks Save, after all required data fields are checked, they will be taken to the Job Offer summary page.

29.3. If the student clicks the Cancel button, they will be challenged with a flexible popup message, with words to the effect of “You will lose any data entered on this page, is that OK?”, with Yes/No buttons.

29.3.1. Clicking No returns the student to the entry page.

29.3.2. Clicking Yes performs a test. If the student has indicated that their Reporting Status is “Accepted a Job”, they will be challenged with another popup with a flexible message (same as 28.2.2) with words like:  “Your reporting status is Accepted – what do you want to do next?” and 3 buttons: Change My Status to “Seeking”   (this changes the student's status and returns to Job Offer List Page - #35) Add Another Offer  (This opens another new offer – #24) Edit an Existing Offer (this changes the student's status to “Seeking” to avoid the discrepancy situation and returns the user to Job Offer List Page - #35.  If the student subsequently edits an offer and Accepts it, #28.1 will convert them back to Accepted status.)

29.3.3. Clicking Yes then takes the user back to page 1 of the survey.

  1. Student Interface – Select Company/Organization
  2. This page is only relevant for Company /Offers options B and C as described in #26 above.  The top third of this page shows the initial state of the page.  Students must first try to find a company before they get an opportunity to add a new company record.
  3. Once they have looked for matching records, the Add button will be available. 

32.1. With Option B, the button reads “Not Found – Add New Company”.  The student add company survey is a flexible GradLeaders Career Center survey so each school can decide on the minimally acceptable data for a new company.

32.2. With Option C, the button reads “Not Found – Enter Company Name”.  This button navigates into the offer screen and allows straight text input for the company name for the offer, as described in #26 above.

  1. As soon as a student clicks a radio button to select a company record in the grid, the “Not Found” button will be disabled, to prevent a common mistake.
  2. Schools should pay particular attention to the on-screen message, to clarify the usage of this screen for their students.
  3. Student Interface – Job Offer List Page
  4. This page is accessed when a student has completed entering an offer, or if they have selected  a Reporting Status response that is either Accepted or Seeking, and no additional follow-up survey is designated.

36.1. If the student's Reporting Status is locked for the Reporting Year:

36.1.1. This page should display a different flexible message that describes the Locked condition. 

36.1.2. They will be able to view their status as shown, and view their offers, but change nothing.

36.1.3. The Add Offer icon is not active.

  1. The students' Reporting Status is display only, as shown above.
  2. The grid shows all offers for this student in the current academic reporting year.
  3. Offers can be locked administratively.  A locked offer will not be able to be revised by the student – it will be view only. 
  4. The View/Edit Offer link reacts based on the “lock” and the current reporting year.

40.1. If the offer is locked, or it is from a prior reporting year, it may not be revised by the student, so this link is renamed to simply “View Offer”, and takes the student to a review page

40.2. If the offer is from the current reporting year and is not locked, the link takes the student into the Edit Offer page.

  1. Handling Reporting Year Concept
  2. Each reporting year will run from 10/1/20xx through 9/30/20xx(+1).   For purposes of this document, Reporting Year 2010 is the current year, running from 10/1/2009 through 9/30/2010. These dates can be designated as the school see's fit.  
  3. The concept of Reporting Year should be essentially invisible to the student.  However, each student will have a set of Employment Reporting data for each Reporting Year that they attend school.  For purposes of this document, we will use a 2-year MBA program as the example.
  4. There will be an assumption that all students (1st year or 2nd year) are always entering their reporting data in the current reporting year, so they never have to respond to the Reporting Year question.  As an example, on Feb 5, 2010 a 1st year student accepts an internship offer.  They work through the survey, and their status and offer automatically get tagged as Reporting Year=2010.   There are a couple of exceptions to this general assumption:

44.1. Overlap period – this is defined differently by different schools, but essentially this will be a period of time in the late summer/early fall where a school may be collecting data for 2 reporting years.

44.1.1. Overlap period can be variably set for each school, with From/Through dates (ex. Aug 25th through Oct 3rd). The system will evaluate the student's data and behave a little differently during the Overlap period.

44.1.2. Overlap period can be defined differently per class year, so that a school may opt to handle recent grads differently than rising 2nd years.  This Overlap Period will be program level settings.

44.1.3. If they are in a situation where their Class Year=2, and they have not yet reported their internship data, Page 1 of the Employment Survey system should challenge them with a pop-up box with a flexible message that effectively says “You have not yet reported your internship to us.  Do you have an internship to report?”  A Yes response causes the system to momentarily treat them as a 1st year student, and the survey will store the status and other survey data for the current reporting year.

44.1.4. If they are in a situation where their Class Year=2, and they previously completed their internship data, Page 1 of the Employment Survey system presents them with a pop-up box with a flexible message that effectively says “Thanks for previously reporting your internship to us.  Do you wish to report something on your FullTime search?”   A Yes response takes the user to page 1 of the survey as a 2nd year student, and the survey will store the status and other survey data for the next upcoming reporting year.

44.1.5. If a student graduates and continues to search for a position, and eventually lands a position and comes back into GradLeaders Career Center to report their acceptance, it is possible that their Class Year value has moved to alumni.  Assuming they still have the proper permissions to access the screen, the employment survey needs to treat them as if their Class Year=2.

44.1.6. Post Sept 30 – If a school chooses to let their recent grads access GradLeaders Career Center beyond Sept 30, the system still needs to treat them as a 2nd year, and at this point beyond Sept 30 the data should be stored in the previous reporting year.  However, this only occurs up to the end of the Overlap Period.

44.2. All records of a student's job reporting status, survey completion, and offers will be stored with a time/date stamp for “creation date/time” and “last update”.  These date/time stamps will be reporting parameters, so that a school can run very precise reports for specified time periods.

  1. Admin users will not only see the Reporting Year field, but they will be able to edit it.  It will be a selectable pick list on page 1 of the survey, and also on the edit offer page.
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