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Visit Promote From Waitlist

Email Title:

Visit Promote From Waitlist

Email ID:



OCR Visit

Email Recipient(s):


Email Trigger:

Admin promotes candidate to schedule from waitlist for a visit

The GradLeaders Standard Email template is Populated

The email is sent automatically

CSO Admins may edit the email on the Job Program

The following is a list of defined replaceable parameters that may be used in the Visit Promote From Waitlist template:

AccountManager - {accountmanager}

ApplicationMethodEmail - {applicationmethodemail}

ApplicationMethodWebsite - {applicationmethodwebsite}

ContactFirstName - {contactfirstname}

ContactLastName - {contactlastname}

ContactName - {contactname}

EventDate - {eventdate}

Expiredate - {expiredate}

Final Student Deadline - {finalstudentdeadline}

JobContactEmail - {jobcontactemail}

JobDesc - {jobdesc}

JobNumber - {jobnumber}

JobTitle - {jobtitle}

Organization - {orgname}

PostDate - {postdate}

Requisition - {requisition}

SourceTimeSlot - {sourcetimeslot}

StudentFirstName - {studentfirstname}

StudentLastName - {studentlastname}

StudentMiddleName - {studentmiddlename}

StudentSuffix - {studentsuffix}

TargetTimeSlot - {targettimeslot}

TimeSlot - {timeslot}

This email is controlled by the following program settings (if applicable):


Note: If you do not have access to the configuration, please use the “Contact” link above for assistance with modifying your email templates or contact a GradLeaders Representative

An example email:


You are promoted from Waitlist


Dear {studentfirstname},

You have beenpromotedfrom the waitlist onto the interview schedule for {orgname}, {jobtitle}.



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